Xcom 2 rng mod
Xcom 2 rng mod

xcom 2 rng mod

I killed her quite easy first time round. It might make sense to rush past the final room if you can spare the movement.

xcom 2 rng mod xcom 2 rng mod

Im not sure if one way is easier than the other.

xcom 2 rng mod

Interestingly i think theres two ways to reach the ascension chamber. i managed to kill all of them though with only taking damage from the mech - which almost killed my ranger. The penultimate room was tough with an andrommedon, heavy stun lancer, heavy mech and purifier. So when you think about it, that saves me about 84 days scanning time (started in Asia, and theres 12 more regions outside of asia 7 days scanning each) I also have the new continent bonus which allows instant contact of a new region. And the insta kill on any hit on the lost trivialises their threat quite significantly. The one where you get a guaranteed reduction of 1 on the avatar project every month almost nullifies its completion as a threat. I do think some of the bonuses are a bit too good. So im doing worse than my commander ironman run on vanilla where i only lost 1 soldier. Lost 4 soldiers so far to unlucky criticals (i would call the above unlucky). I ran into an Andommedon, heavy mech, heavy stun lancer and trooper though so im going to have a sleep and mull over what to do lol (ive got mag and gauss, but the andrommedon scares me a bit and i lost my mimic beacon in a breakout of jail mission due to some stupid trooper throwing a grenade and then another trooper critical hitting my exposed and wounded specialist). I am currently assaulting one of the chosen strongholds. They went down fairly easy but killed a few civvies. I just finished that mission on commander. And you negate the possibility of spending 3 actions in trying to kill either an officer, or sectoid, or priest, or stun lancer, or viper (unless they dodge). After all, hitting with a mag weapon of any tier is guaranteed to kill a basic trooper. So its usually best (IMO) to go for mag weapons first so you can kill everything without it even shooting. Although i usually find mag weapons is equally if not more viable because you lack the alloys in order to begin researching plated until you hit your first supply raid (and you certainly cant build it), which is month 2. Click to expand.Yes, plated is good for that.

Xcom 2 rng mod