L4d2 pc split screen
L4d2 pc split screen

Rename the xinput1_3.dll file to xinput1_3.dll.old. Step 6: Go to your Left 4 Dead bin directory, which will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\bin. Step 5: Click Save at the bottom-right corner of the window and close the program. If you’re using two gamepads, repeat this step for the second one. If it displays a red box on the tab, then see the troubleshooting section below. If the program displays a green box on the tab for the controller you have selected, then you can continue to step 5. Finally, click Finish at the bottom of the next window to import the settings. Step 4: At this point, you should be looking at a new window that says “New Device Detected.” Leave the first radio button checked – the one that says “Search automatically for settings” – along with the checkbox that says “Search the Internet” and click “Next” at the bottom of the window. Click Yes on both of these prompts to create the files. This is the library file that gets compiled along with the configuration settings and will enable your gamepad to work with the game.

l4d2 pc split screen

It will also prompt you to create the xinput1_3.dll file. This is the file that holds the configuration settings for the program. When the program launches, it will prompt you to create the x360ce.ini file. Step 2: Extract the zip archive to your Left 4 Dead executable directory, which will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead. (Sound familiar? This is the same thing we did for Dead Rising 2.) The file you want is named something like, give or take the version number.

l4d2 pc split screen

Step 1: Download this Xbox 360 controller emulator by Evaldas Jocys.

l4d2 pc split screen

If you are fortunate enough to have two gamepads for your PC, then playing Left 4 Dead in split screen mode is surprisingly easy to set up. Although this has been documented elsewhere (see here and here), the instructions are mostly geared towards people who want to use a gamepad for one player and a keyboard/mouse for another player.

L4d2 pc split screen