The second time you fight him, just keep on attacking and eventually you'll break his spirit and then you can kill him. Just keep on attacking then eventually she'll tell you to run away. The first time you fight him, Kreia will tell you to run away because you can't kill him yet, so you only fight him for a little while. Quite honestly by the time you reach him he will be EASY to kill! DARTH SION Nihilus on steroids. You want to have "Force Resistance" or "Force Immunity" to prevent his Death Field from causing to much damage. Lightning also will help you, and when you fight Nihilus choose your companions carefully. Also how did I beat Malak? I drained that muthaf*ckers life! Same thing. The force is your friend and so are grenades. Enough Jokes! This is how you do it Use Grenades, the Force and Drain Life. I don't support cannibalism but this method works. Darth Nihilus likes Brussel sprouts Push them off a cliff And that's totally worth it.Below are some jokes, then it gets serious Poison Their Vegtablesĭarth Sion likes Carrots. Oh, and additionally you can get modder GameTSF other mod where you can turn your entire team into Matts. The downside is he only works with the special The Last Jedi pre-order skin. This mod changes Kylo Ren into his undercover role as Matt, the Radar Technician. Please check out the Saturday Night Live sketch so you know why we included this. Other modders will be happy to help you get started. Just start checking the tutorials at Holowan Labs to get started and don't hesitate to ask questions. This only works in Arcade, unfortunately. I'm no programmer, how can I even hope to mod something Contrary to some common belief, modding KotOR is accessible to everyone and no prior experience is required.

This mod corrects that issue, making lightsabers one-hit kills - as they should be. If you don't know, lightsabers have been utterly nerfed in Battlefront 2, so you can no longer kill enemies immediately and have to bash them a few times before they die, even in Arcade. Or "realistic" lightsabers as the mod is slightly ridiculously known. It'll be confusing to play alongside Regular Princess Leia, but that's your own risk. This mod corrects that, replacing Luke with the classic Expanded Universe version of Jedi Master Leia Organa. The one thing missing from the new Sequels is Leia becoming a proper Jedi Master (Mary Poppins moment notwithstanding).